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How to use the QiCLOCK to help with weight loss

The ancient science of Traditional Chinese Medicine actually indicated with their Chinese Meridian Time Clock activities throughout the day and night to help the flow of Qi through your body. The flow of Qi affects your energy, emotions and health. Your weight is also affected by all of those things. You may be able to aid your weight loss by changing your activities as well as by practicing balancing techniques. Losing weight helps your health in many ways and gaining weight has been associated with emotional causes, so it stands to reason that the QiCLOCK can help.

When I teach "Learning How to Heal Yourself" there are 3 main steps. The first step is sit still. I have a section on the site under next steps to help you begin to sit still. Have you ever heard that sitting still can help you with your weight loss? The second step is to listen. One of the easiest ways I find to listen is to begin to write my thoughts. If you do this as you are sitting still and you focus on a meditation or a question rather than your natural thoughts, you may find new answers or direction. When you ask a question, ask HOW rather than WHY. Sometimes you don't need to know the why and what is more important is how you will move forward from where you are. Looking back doesn't always help. When you entered this site, you had the opportunity to receive a free pdf journal page which can help you in this practice. In the journal section under Next Steps on the main menu, you will have the option of logging into an online journal or buying a journal wth more to help you along your healing journey. The third step and a very important step is to make a decision. You decide if you will continue to live with extra weight or if you will discover a way to lose it and live healthier. If you do not believe it is possible, you are right. That is how powerful your thoughts are! I am providing information that may help you to decrease your weight. It may happen quickly and it may take time. This information is not intended to replace your physician or psychiatrist.

After you sit still, listen and make a decision, look at the meridian that coincides with the time you have the lowest energy or the time you feel like over eating or the time when you feel discouraged. If these are all different times, pick one to start with and practice it for a week and see if you notice a difference. It is best to practice them during the same time that is indicated. If you are not able to do that, you can practice the balancing technique 2 hours before, 2 hours after or at the opposite time for best results. Anytime is better than not at all! I bless you on your healing journey.

The activities are not listed here yet as this site is still under construction. Check back for updates.

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